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Friday, July 29, 2011

Major leg cramps

I just passed my 16 week mark and I am experiencing some major leg cramps. I couldn't make it to work today because sitting or standing is so painful for me. The pain starts at my knees and goes up to my thighs. The only thing that helps is to elevate my legs while lying down. I have not been taking my pre-natals on a daily basis, so I thought I was low on calcium. I did have my 1st cup of coffee yesterday, that's one new thing I have done since I got pregnant. I hope this isn't something that stays with me the next 6 months. It is literally unbearable!!!


scarlet reese said...
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Rose Marie said...

you may want to add calcium mag from nutrilite. Take 3 a day.

scarlet reese said...

Ive been trying tums. 1000mg of Calcium.

Margaret said...

i wana see the baby bump! pix please!!
Hope your legs get to feeling better. That can't feel good:(

jackie_messer said...

Lauren had the same problem. She had to take a ton of magnesium. It did help. We found this out after the trip to the hospital :(