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Friday, March 4, 2011

Egg retrieval was cancelled

We got here and was brought back to the OR right away. I was in my hospital gown with the butt open to the back. Right before they were going to start my IV, Dr wanted to do one more ultrasound to make sure I didn't ovulate on my own, since my E2 kept dropping. We saw it in his face and heard it in his voice.......I had ovulated. He said we could still procede, but we knew we shouldn't. He then suggested doing an IUI instead. We had everything we needed, so we went for it. Remember, we did 5 IUI's before with Clomid. This IUI is different. We have more eggs. It's not a guarantee, but it's a shot. I personally don't feel it will work since the last 5 didn't work, but there is always that chance.so, now we are in the 2 week wait. If this doesn't work, it's more shots, ultrasounds, shots again and hopefully a retrieval. I was upset and cried some but I think all my tears are gone from crying the other night.
First thing Kevin did was take me to the cafe downstairs to get some food and a muffin while we waited to do the IUI. The IUI is complete, now were off to the Alamo and to get some real food.

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