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Friday, November 25, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving. I'm 33 weeks now. He measured at 4.5lbs last Monday. Anyhow, I was asked to say grace for Thanksgiving dinner and I was happy to. "Bless us o lord for these are our gifts......" As I said that I looked down at my stomach and just started to cry. I am so blessed for the gift of Raylen. To soon, be a mother, for Kevin to be a father. To love him, protect him and guide him through life. We are so blessed.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


The baby shower was so wonderful. My mom flew in from California, my youngest sis drove from Houston and oldest sis flew in from Vegas. So many special people were there to celebrate Raylen. Now, I'm putting everything up, washing the clothes, etc. Once everything is put up, the waiting game begins. Thank you everyone! 9 more weeks and he'll be here. YEAH!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

7 1/2 Months!!!

Today was a beautiful day. It was in the 50's and the baby loved the weather! He was kicking all day. Sticking his knees in my sides and doing cart wheels. We are almost there. Kevin is so excited and we just cant wait till he arrives.