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Sunday, August 21, 2011

20 weeks

5 months along! The baby moves so much. I can tell when it's about to happen because my stomach will get hard and then I will start to feel lots of movement. Earlier today was weird. I felt my belly and it felt like one hard lump on the left side of my stomach. I probably felt it over 10 times today!  Kevin tries to feel it move, but the baby is still too small. Maybe one more month! We will know the gender soon. We can't wait to share that with everyone. 143 more days and baby Reese will be here!!!

19 week ultrasound and first belly pic

The 19 week ultrasound was perfect. We saw the beating heart and all the organs. The doctor said everything looks appropriate and the organs look healthy. We are so happy. This is one pic of the ultrasound and my first belly pic.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Nesting has kicked in.

I can't stop organizing and cleaning. I'm organizing non-baby rooms like the bathrooms. I'm putting everything in order, throwing away old items or things I have not touched in years go in the trash. Now, I'm starting on the office. Once I clean that room, the nursery is next. We are swapping furniture from those 2 rooms. In about a month, I will have my nursery ready to start decorating. I'm so excited!