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Saturday, July 30, 2011

I felt kicks!!!

Many of my friends have been telling me I should be feeling kicks, flutters, bubbles, butterflies anytime now. I thought I felt it last week, but I was never sure. BUT.....last night, I was lying down and I felt it! It was right in the middle below my belly button. It was 3 very light thumps about 5-10 seconds apart. Then they stopped, but it was the most beautiful moment. Kevin said baby Reese has soccer legs. Ha Ha.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Major leg cramps

I just passed my 16 week mark and I am experiencing some major leg cramps. I couldn't make it to work today because sitting or standing is so painful for me. The pain starts at my knees and goes up to my thighs. The only thing that helps is to elevate my legs while lying down. I have not been taking my pre-natals on a daily basis, so I thought I was low on calcium. I did have my 1st cup of coffee yesterday, that's one new thing I have done since I got pregnant. I hope this isn't something that stays with me the next 6 months. It is literally unbearable!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

We are 16 weeks today

I'm sorry it's been such a long time since I've updated this. I've been so tired from this pregnancy. All I seem to do is sleep, eat, work, sleep, etc. Everything is coming along so well. I did not have any nausea or vomiting. It has been a pleasant pregnancy, aside from no energy and migraines. I am definitely showing. Pic to come soon. I am 16 weeks, or 4 months as of today July 27th. Unfortunately, I have not felt the baby move YET. It will come any day now. The great news is, we find out the gender August 20th. We are excited. We pray everyday for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby most of all. Please keep us in your prayers.
Here are some awesome 11 week ultrasound pics! I wish they were not sideways:(