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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Being parents

It has been so wonderful this past month. It has gone by way to fast. Kevin and I are just thrilled. Kevin is so wonderful and helpful and supportive. He gets up and helps feed, change diapers, soothe, etc. He let's me sleep in on the weekends and takes over. I couldn't ask for a better husband!

Raylen is growing up so fast. He is already scooting across the floor when he has tummy time. He grunts alot, smiles, and growls. It's so funny. He's up every few hours and thinks midnight to 7am is daytime. I'm exhausted and averaging 4-5 hours of sleep max a night. I don't know how I make it through the days, but I just look at his face and I forget how tired I am. I try to sleep when he sleeps, but it's not always possible. He doesn't always take long naps, or he has interrupted naps. My days just fly by. It's so easy to forget about myself because I'm so focused on him. When he does take a nap, it's a chance for me to shower, spend a little time with the dogs, do some laundry, etc. It will be hard to go back to work because he will be so young, going to daycare! Also, I will just miss him so much.

The latest pictures of Raylen from birth to 1 month

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

We are getting induced tomorrow

It's happening! We are finally going to get induced and meet Raylen tomorrow. We get admitted at 4:30am. How am I going to get sleep tonight? I'm going to be too excited. So, tomorrow, we will be proud parents to our baby boy Raylen. Yeah!!!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Maternity Photos

I might get induced!!

Alot has happened in the last few weeks. I went to my last appointment and Raylen has not grown like my doctor would like. Also, my placenta is getting a little bit of calcium so she is slightly concerned. She said once I am 38 weeks which is in 2 days, she would like to make a plan and pick a date to induce. I am already full term so it's not too early. I go to the doctor tomorrow so we will pick a date then. If I can, I will pick tomorrow, December 27th. I'll keep you posted.